Guide and passage on Puzzle Quest: Galaactrix

Cosmic battle is the art of managing energies of different colors and combining them in combination. So we replenish the reserves of the ship and activate a particular device. One wrong move, and the ship was left without protection. Second – and we are slowly dripping in the void along with a bunch of fragments.

Knights of Cosmos

The far-haired future. The whole well -known part of the universe is divided between several megacorporations of people and the remnants of alien powers, not exterminated by humanity for one reason or another. Everything seems to be calm, only sometimes pirates rob defenseless transport ships. The most calm is before the start of the storm – and, of course, the player will be in the very center of what is happening.

Galactrix – This is the continuation and development of ideas laid down in Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords. In both games, the development of the plot is accompanied by battles and mini-players made on the principle of "collect the chips of the same color in a row". A fantastic future has replaced fantastic antiquity, and a small card in general Challenge of the Warlords It gave way to a whole galaxy. Unfortunately, they will not let the whole empire be a knight and creator-everything is already divided before us, and not a modest cadet-release of something in this order to change.

We will take the role of a boy or girl in the escape-here you need to drive away the pirates, there the asteroid is explored, and there there was some kind of trouble at the space station, we must fly to scout. They flocked, explored … Along the way, they crossed the sides of a couple of pirates or aliens, picked up several passengers. But more about passengers a little later.

New tricks of the old dog

While it is worth saying: if Challenge of the Warlord was a combination Lines or Bejeweled with a simple role -player, then Galactrix claims the title of epic game. In particular, it has a huge and fairly living space in it. Sorry, he is not as alive as in "Space Rangers" , But inside the systems, the ships confidently depict life: they fly from the base to asteroids, hang for a while, return to the base again – or persecute the player’s ship if they consider it an enemy.

Yes, now we ourselves are free to choose with whom to be friends, and with whom to fight. With some fractions, the relationship will probably have to be spoiled-after all, you need to train the art of battle for someone. In addition, destroying the ships of one of the factions, the player loses its location, but he acquires it from the other – most megacorporations and aliens have their own sworn enemy."The enemy of my enemy is my friend" – this philosophy in the world Galactrix Profit everything.

Finally, one more thing, bringing together a new Puzzle Quest with space epic games – a trading system. Now the player can sell resources obtained from asteroids. This is the main source of money in the game, because the tasks are paid not just badly, but … but not to earn otherwise on a good ship.

The problem of the trading system is that it seems to be there, but it actually does not: the player can sell resources, but to buy – not. There are no resellers here – only honest miners.

Cosmos is great and endless?

On the map Galactrix nearly eight dozen stars. Not all of them will have to visit, if you do not bother with additional tasks. In fact, the storyline is short enough, and if not for the mini-games ..

The fact is that interstellar trips are made using the so -called "gate". At the beginning of the game, they are all closed – to get into another system, you need to hack the "Management Computer". This process looks like this: for a certain period of time (usually one or two minutes), it is necessary to collect the sequences of chips of certain colors. Which ones will show in the corner of the screen. Managed? Great, you can fly. Before they had time? Well, you have to try again.

This mini-game itself is not bad, but, firstly, it is mandatory, and secondly, there is no way to simplify it alone. Sometimes we look at the system where we need to get, and we understand: the shortest path to it lies through three or four gates, among which there is probably a somewhat maximum level of complexity. At such moments it is clear: I don’t really want to fly there, especially if this is a side task.

In addition to the central luminary and the gate of the transition, in star systems there are also planets, moon, space stations and asteroids. In most cases, planets exist only to exist. On some of them – usually these are metropolitan planets of gaming fractions – a player can take tasks. Others will actually be the goals of these tasks.

Moon is a source of rumors. Another mini-game that should have attracted players, giving information about the universe and creatures that inhabit it. It is a shame: we must spend a huge amount of time for three lines of information and the crumbs of experience, because the connected mini-game is complex. As a result, in most cases, such work does not pay off at all, so this side of the game will remain the most stubborn players.

There are two types of space stations: trading posts and shipyards. The role of the first is reduced to the sale of accumulated goods. The latter are space supermarkets in which ships and equipment are sold and buy. It is quite difficult to distinguish them with the naked eye, and to understand where you can get a new means of movement will turn out only by the "poke method". Unfortunately, see the composition of the star system from the global map without going into it, it is impossible. However, there are not even names of stars on the mini-card of the galaxy!

Friends, enemies and others

IN Challenge of the Warlords The satellites who joined the hero sharply increased the attractiveness of a single game. Each of them had its own character, their own aspirations and reasons to follow us, finally. It doesn’t matter that the advantages that they gave, then, in duels over the network, were useless – they were interesting, almost living characters.

IN Galactrix The role of followers has changed. Now each of the six possible satellites opens its own mini-game: the ability to obtain resources, get discounts when buying equipment and the like. The whole six will definitely join as the game passes. The idea is good, but the former individuality has no more. Some of them flash on the screens once or twice to abandon the non-meaningful phrase, and the rest of the time they are simply invisibly present “somewhere nearby”.

Several tasks related to followers do not solve this problem. And they join, frankly, only by the kindness of the sincere protagonist-a slight bewilderment appears for the third or fourth time: “We, we will select all the galaxy galaxies on board?"

The appearance of the satellites, like the main characters, also causes claims. If in Challenge of the Warlords The characters were drawn in a bright "cartoon" style, then everything became more serious. Sharm inherent in the previous game immediately disappeared somewhere. Now he is too striking: motionless figures “leave” from behind the edge of the monitor against the background of the same static decorations, and they “speak” with the help of “clouds”. Followers want to be like a comic book, but they lack the dynamics, and when the interlocutors begin to change too quickly, he just grows in their eyes.

Things are even worse with star systems and space objects. Each of the stars relies its own picture, depending on which of the fractions belongs to the system. Naturally, they are repeated – there are not so many fractions. The rest-planets, stations, ships-is designed in dull gray-yellow tones. In general, space in Galactrix – a sad place where the colors fade.

Against such a background, perfectly voiced monologues related to the “main villain” of the game (the player hears them after some plot tasks) look. Let them invariably accompany them the same picture, even if it is not even animated, but there is no doubt – this creature has a character, it is definitely alive. We just believe in it.

A worthy enemy

Computer opponents do not shine with intelligence: they prefer to win at the expense of strong ships and ordinary luck. There is nothing surprising if the player on a light cruiser wins a ship that surpasses it several times in all respects. Sometimes the computer makes very strange moves, forgetting to collect clearly winning combinations, or does not use powerful devices. Even the final battle may be offensive – in the sense that the victory will get too simple.

Many devices of available in the game will not find application in a single campaign at all. Today, before the release of corrections or the appearance of user modifications, the balance is sharply shifted towards the enemy binding devices. There are quite a lot of them, and, having installed two or three such devices on the ship, you can not leave the computer at all.

When battle against a person, such a trick will no longer pass. It is in the battles over the network Galactrix will show all the best that it has: the number of possible tactics compared to Challenge of the Warlords increased along with the number of available equipment. The battles themselves have become more strategic – now you need to think not only about which combinations to collect, but also in which direction to move the chips.

• • •

Galactrix can push the players with inconspicuous graphics and unsuccessful mini-players. Nevertheless, the multi -user regime of this game is much richer than the previous Puzzle Quest . And he is exactly what you should pay attention to.

Verdict: The weak storyline is easily compensated by the capabilities of a multi -user game. You need to go through this game once, but you can fight over the network for an endlessly long time.

Fundamentals of space battle

Than fighting in Galactrix differ from already acquaintances in Challenge of the Warlords? First of all, the shape of the field and chips on it changed. If earlier it was possible to move colored rounds in four directions, now they have become hexagons, the chip can change places from any of the six neighbors.

In addition, if earlier the field was filled with new elements only from above, now, after the line disappears, the rest of the chips move in the direction in which the player made a move: you will move in excess – the field will go down, shift from the bottom up – the field, respectively, will rise.

Note: There are several devices in the game to play with “gravity” – invert it or change each move.

Combinations of red, yellow and green "stones" replenish the energy reserves of the ship. Blue increase protective energy. White chips will give you additional experience, and purple-glasses for use of psi -il. Finally, the connection to the line of three or more “space mines” will cause damage to the enemy.

The strike system itself has changed somewhat compared to Challenge of the Warlords. Previously, the skulls could have two types: ordinary ones who took off the enemy of the whole unit of health, and the “skull +5”, which hit the five -fold increased force. IN Galactrix mines can vary in force in the range from one to ten. Damage to hit the sum of the values ​​of all mines in the line.

Getting an additional move is now much more difficult. To do this, you need to assemble a long line of five chips or arrange a long-long “cascade” of collecting lines-“supernatal”. However, given the abundance of equipment “connecting” the enemy by several moves, this is not too much loss.

With whom will we set off?

Not only the player in the world will have to fight Galactrix. Each of the team members, after getting aboard, will open up new opportunities and in most cases a new mini-game. There are six of them in all, and choose who to take and whom to leave, do not have to.

So, what is the good every one of them?


This young woman is the first of those who join you. With its help, the player will be able to extract minerals and other goods from an asteroids, so that they later profitably sell them in the galaxy markets.

The essence of the mini-games is to gain a certain amount of three goods contained in the asteroid, until there is a situation where not a single possible course remains. In addition to chips with goods on the field, there will also be empty “stones”, which is no longer possible to remove after the appearance.

Note: If you manage to develop an asteroid completely, you will receive all the products obtained in four times. In the case of a rich deposit, this can easily overfill ships holds.

As in all mini-games Galactrix , Success largely depends on the case. First of all, try to receive combinations of chips of those goods that are the least required. This is especially important if you need only five to ten units-this means that there will be very few chips with them. For the same reason-due to the abundance of chips-the richest asteroids turn out to be the lightest for full production. Nevertheless, even in good deposits, it is important to collect more “long” lines (from four chips), and organize the “cascades” of lines – “new” and “supernova”.

Note: To re -get the resource on an already developed asteroid, you need to arrange excavations for another three. After that you can return – the asteroid has recovered.


The robot has a harmful character, behind a word in his pocket he never climbs. However, he is not to blame for this – so Lydia programs him so that there was someone to while painting long days at the mining station in the provincial system.

The obligation of ED24 in the team – hacking "Gate of the transition". And, believe me, you will have to do this very, very often … In fact, most of the time when passing the game you will spend in attempts to hack.

The mini-game lies in the preparation of color lines in a certain sequence for the given time. The right number of combinations, as well as the time provided for hazard, varies from one gate to another. If the “lungs” are fast enough, then the attempt to open the “complex” gate will easily fail if you are not lucky with the initial position of the chips on the board.

The situation is slightly corrected by the "stones" in the form of time dials. The line of three such chips will add another ten seconds, and this is almost eternity!

Note: The line of four dials adds only 12 seconds – too small to strive for it.

The main task in this mini-game is not to create uncontrolled "cascades". While the chips fall uncontrolled, you can’t do anything, and time continues to go. The only case when such a “cascade” may be needed is if it turned out that there are no chips on the desired color on the board.


Telepat and representative of your native megarpores MRI. The only member of the team that is not connected by any mini-game. Instead, it allows you to use the so-called psi-lines.

In order to get them, you will have to fly quite a lot of the galaxy in search of “lost” – telepaths hiding from MRI on different planets of different star systems. It is not surprising that the fugitives chose mainly distant systems controlled by pirates for caches!

This is a side task, perhaps the most necessary of all. Each of the psi -il ​​will save from battles with attacking ships at the cost of several dozens of psi-sila points. After you study the last of your strength to study with the help of the leader, enemy ships generally stop paying attention to you. So, according to hostile systems, it will be possible to fly calmly, without being distracted by constant attacks.


Cute shaggy alien with thieves' manners. Perhaps the only satellites whose comments will sometimes make you smile. As soon as you take it on board, it will be possible to bargain on shipyards to buy cheaper and sell more expensive.

Note: The discount after mini-game is valid only on the purchase of one thing. Immediately after this, prices are restored, and in order to reduce the prices again, everything needs to be started again.

To get benefits during trading, you will have to clean the field of chips. The more you remove, the more the benefit will be. New colored chips in this mini-game do not appear, so, after a little thought, you will achieve cleansing.

If you don’t want to calculate the combinations, the best option is this: gently fold the lines along the edges of the area filled with chips, gradually approaching the center and trying to prevent chips from “running away” on the floor. For the same reason, I recommend avoiding vertical lines – this can lead to the fact that empty "stones" will be divided into two groups and unite them again, most likely, you will not be able to.


Questan priestess whose duty in the team is the collection of information. With its help, you will learn a lot of interesting facts about the world in which the action of the game unfolds. To do this, you will make a certain amount – from three to twenty – moves, making sure that chips with the image of a sign of radiation hazard do not connect in the line. At the same time, you cannot manage these chips yourself.

Note: Even if the signs of radiation are built into the line after the meter of the required moves shows zero, you will still lose.

The main task here is to prevent "cascades". Try to move the chips located closer to the edges of the field so that the minimum number of new "stones" appear. In addition, short lines, three single -color chips, in this case are preferable to long.

Kirine thwaits

Blonde beauty is the scientific department of your crew. After its appearance on board you will receive drawings of new devices and ships, and also learn to make them yourself.

Note: The drawings are taken "from the battle". With a probability of about ten percent after the victory, you will get a drawing of some device that was equipped with an enemy ship, or drawings of the ship itself.

To make something yourself, first you need to accumulate enough resources-which means long flights in search of suitable asteroids and torment in extraction, for example, six hundred units of "alloys".

When you collect everything required, another mini-game will start. In it, it is necessary to combine a certain number of special elements – “weapons systems”, “engines”, “computers”. Chips with these elements appear after connecting in the line, respectively, red, yellow and green "stones".

In addition to colored chips and parts of ship systems, there are also chips with biological danger icons on the board. Here, unlike “mining rumors”, they are not so dangerous and simply complicate the player with the process, blocking the necessary chips.

Actually, on the destruction of these "biologically dangerous" chips and a winning strategy is being built. Yes, this is quite difficult, given that it is impossible to directly control them, and nevertheless, if you move the chips carefully and prudently, the “biological danger” will disappear, and the special elements will gradually connect in the right amount.

Note: Special elements are allowed to be connected in any combinations, just remember that the line from one “engine”, one “laser” and one “computer” will increase all the counters of the necessary components per unit.

What we fly to?

In Galactrix, a player can have a fleet of up to three ships under the command. In this case, you need to remember: their carrying capacity is folded, and all other parameters remain individual for each.

The main difference between ships of different classes is the number of devices that the ship can carry. You will have to start the game with a shuttle, equipped only with three "installation places". And there may be eight of the maximum “connectors” – these are battleships, of which there are only a few in the game.

In addition, each of the systems requires a certain amount of energy – red, yellow or green. The ship has a "permissible maximum" of these energies. If the frigate has maximum red energy is thirteen units, then installing a powerful laser that requires fifteen units of red energy on it will not come out.

Flight speed is a more important parameter than it might seem. High speed not only allows you to easily fly away from heavy, but slow ships, it also determines who walks first in battle. The one whose ship is starting, and the first move here means a lot.

Basically, the choice of a ship for battle is determined only by your game style. There is nothing surprising if a small, but fast ship destroys a heavy cruiser due to the fact that the enemy “connects” the enemy and deprives him of protection with several blows, and then slowly but correctly disperse the corps.

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